W.N.R. Co-Group Organisers

W.N.R. Co-Group Organisers
W.N.R. Co-Group Organisers - Ruth & Rocket, Renva & Matty

Play Days

Warwick Natural Riders Play Days
Play Days are held monthly, generally on the last Saturday of the month.

Where: 60 Bentleys Rd, Morgan Park

When:  Starting at 10am in Winter months  & 9.30am in Summer months

Cost:  $5.00  (covers insurance & refreshments)

Everyone is welcome & you don't need to be a member of Quantum Savvy to join in. We do ask that you sign an Indemnity form on arrival.

We do use the Warwick Horse Trials grounds to hold our Quantum Weekends & we do also hold some Play Days there as well.
WHT requires all riders to be current WHT members & they must wear a riding helmet while on the grounds. 
Membership forms will be available on the day & the cost is $16.50 per person per year.

Tea, coffee, bickies are supplied. Please bring your own lunch.

The day starts witha cuppa, sign in & a chat. We then head out to play for an hour or so then break for lunch, have a chat or watch a few videos.

After lunch you are more than welcome to head out for another play with your pony if you like. Sometimes we do have themes organised for the afternoons, particularly in the summer months.

Our next Play Day is on Saturday 14th July at Warwick Horse Trials grounds.
After lunch we will head out for a trail walk on the Cross Country course for those that want to.

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