W.N.R. Co-Group Organisers

W.N.R. Co-Group Organisers
W.N.R. Co-Group Organisers - Ruth & Rocket, Renva & Matty

Thursday, 26 January 2012

with Mel Peacock

Looking for expressions of interest in:
Foundation Training
With Mel Peacock
March 2012
Warwick Natural Riders
Quantum Savvy Practice Group


 Foundation training ( levels 1,2 & 3)

Having your horse professionally trained gives you a more reliable and safer option for both you and your horse.
Mel offers a range of training programs
that will suit your budget, your goals and your horses needs.
Choose from Trail Training, The Performance Horse Checklists and Foundation Training or talk to Mel about your specific needs to help
accelerate your horsemanship journey and Live Your Dreams!.

Limited places available
To register your interest
Contact:   Ruth on 0402 328 549

Looking for Expressions of interest.

QUANTUM WEEKEND with Mel Peacock

When:  10th - 13th March 2012

Where:  WHT grounds, Warwick

On Offer:

Level 1 Primary: Lessons 1 & 2

Discover the secrets to working in harmony with your horse to develop a willing, cooperative horse.

Level 1 Secondary:  Lessons 3 & 4

Safe & Practical Saddling and Riding techniques—going forward Confidently & Easily

We need 6 riders by VIP date 3rd February to confirm this event.

Please contact me if you are interested.

Ruth McGill
0402 328 549

Mel is also offering Foundation Training so if you want your horse kick started put up your hand now.