W.N.R. Co-Group Organisers

W.N.R. Co-Group Organisers
W.N.R. Co-Group Organisers - Ruth & Rocket, Renva & Matty

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Quantum Weekend Warwick Dec 4th to 7th 2010

With Endorsed Instructor, Mel Peacock
When: 4th - 7th December 2010
Where: Morgan Park Warwick, QLD

The first Quantum Weekend to be held in Warwick was attended by 8 keen riders, 5 new starters for Level 1 Primary & 3 for Level 2 Secondary.

Mel Peacock with L1 Primary students


Warwick Natural Riders First Play Day

Warwick Natural Riders held their first Play Day on 26th June 2010.

It was held at Warwick Horse Trial grounds, Morgan Park, Warwick.

We had 6 horses & 10 very enthusiastic riders & auditors. All were very keen to learn new skills that will last them a lifetime.
Thank you everyone who came along to make it such a great 1st Play Day. Words can't explain how good it made me feel that it went off so well. Couldn't have asked for a better start & great weather made it all the better.
Here is a couple of clips Petra set up for us.