W.N.R. Co-Group Organisers

W.N.R. Co-Group Organisers
W.N.R. Co-Group Organisers - Ruth & Rocket, Renva & Matty

Saturday, 31 December 2011

Quantum Weekend with Mel Peacock

December 3rd to 6th 2011 saw another wonderful Quantum Weekend with Mel held at Warwick Horse Trials grounds in Warwick, Qld.

 The morning sessions saw another set of five new recruits to Quantum Savvy & Warwick Natural Riders.  All were very enthusiastic and keen to learn and with a variety of differing horses all did learn an enormous amount of very useful basic skills. Lessons covered were Level One - lessons 1 & 2.


Sunday, 11 September 2011

Quantum Weekend at Warwick, September 2011

Another amazing weekend was had by all that attended the Quantum Weekend with Mel Peacock.
The sessions held were Level 1 Secondary & Level 1 Advanced.
All riders & horses learnt heaps & now have lots of homework to go on with between now & the next QW in December.
Here is a few photos of the morning group.

Monday, 25 July 2011

A good time was had by all at the Play Day held on 23rd July at Warwick Horse Trials grounds.

With a total of 8 participants which included 4 brand new first time QS'ers, we had a wonderful day.
In the morning we introduced the newbys to the Three Basic Skills & gave a bit of a demo on them & some One Rein riding.
After lunch we headed out onto the Cross Country course for a nice leisurely trail walk around, over & though some of the obstacles. none of the horses were fazed by anything we showed them & took it all in their stride. They went up & down the steps, into & out of the water, up over the hill & back down the other side, as well as jumping a few small jumps. Humans & horses seemed to enjoy it equally, & we're all glad to get out & do something different.

We are all lining up for the next PD to be held at WHT grounds again, on Saturday 30th July. We will go through our homework cards then head out on course again after lunch for another trail walk.

1st Anniversary Play Day

WNR group started 12 months ago and we have just celebrated our 1st anniversary on the 26th June with an excellent turnout of both original members & new members. It was held back at Warwick Horse Trials grounds, where it all began.

A great time was had by all as we revisited the skills that the new members learned at the Quantum Weekend held recently at Allora Showground.

Monday, 4 July 2011

Quantum Weekend Allora June 4th to 7th 2011

With Endorsed Instructor, Mel Peacock

When: 4th - 7th June 2011
Where: Allora Showgrounds, QLD

Warwick Natural Riders hosted a Quantum Weekend with Mel Peacock at Allora showgrounds on June 4th to 7th 2011.
We had a full house with 5 brand new members joining us for Level 1 Primary, & 5 enthusiastic students for Level 2 Primary.

All had a great time & most have already booking in for the September Quantum Weekend.

Level 1 Primary


Sunday, 26 June 2011

Quantum Weekend Warwick Dec 4th to 7th 2010

With Endorsed Instructor, Mel Peacock
When: 4th - 7th December 2010
Where: Morgan Park Warwick, QLD

The first Quantum Weekend to be held in Warwick was attended by 8 keen riders, 5 new starters for Level 1 Primary & 3 for Level 2 Secondary.

Mel Peacock with L1 Primary students


Warwick Natural Riders First Play Day

Warwick Natural Riders held their first Play Day on 26th June 2010.

It was held at Warwick Horse Trial grounds, Morgan Park, Warwick.

We had 6 horses & 10 very enthusiastic riders & auditors. All were very keen to learn new skills that will last them a lifetime.
Thank you everyone who came along to make it such a great 1st Play Day. Words can't explain how good it made me feel that it went off so well. Couldn't have asked for a better start & great weather made it all the better.
Here is a couple of clips Petra set up for us.